Whether you lost your job and couldn't find another position at the same pay level or incurred hefty medical bills that kept you from paying other debts until you'd recovered, you may have fallen behind on your child support obligations over the years. Owing back child support can affect you in a number of ways, from garnishments to tax intercepts, and may even prevent you from being offered certain types of jobs.
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If you've recently filed for chapter 13 bankruptcy, you know that not all of your debts have gone away. Instead, you've put yourself into a strict debt repayment schedule that will help you settle your debts and get back on your feet once they are gone. However, bankruptcy is an extreme measure, and it leaves you with poor credit and a fresh financial start. How can you start rebuilding your wealth to get back on a healthy financial track?
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Instead of surrendering all assets for them to be liquefied by a bankruptcy trustee or attorney, many Americans would rather file for chapter 13 bankruptcy – also known as a wage earner's plan. Chapter 13 bankruptcy will enable you to repay all or part of your debts over three to five years under a negotiated repayment plan. This will allow you to keep your assets, protect your home from being foreclosed upon and also repay creditors with the least amount of financial strain.
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